Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Battlestar Galactica Miniseries DVD Review

I remember all the hype when this mini series first came out. I was a fan of the original series, but remember it to be kind of cheesy, so I didn't really give it much attention, and I never watched it on TV. Recently my husband was flipping through the channels on TV, and with nothing else to watch, he started watching one of the new episodes. It caught his attention - and ended up watching the full episode (a great feat in my mind, since he tends to flip through channels like there's no tomorrow.)

So anyway, he really got interested in the show and felt it was made very well. So we figured we should start watching the new shows from the beginning. We received the mini series DVD from Netflix, watched it in one sitting - and now we're hooked! We have seasons 1, 2.0, and 2.5 at the top of our Netflix list, and are eagerly awaiting the DVDs.

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